Greater boston Mathematics League (gBML)
High School mathematics League Competition
in the Greater Boston Area
Welcome to the new official GBML website!
This is the new home of the GBML. Here you will find all of the available information for the GBML.
Meet Results
Given the continued uncertainty involving the Coronavirus and how it will affect schools during the 2020-2021 school year, it was decided that the GBML will take place this year in a remote setting. This will eliminate the need for teams to travel to other schools to compete. The October Meet will be a scrimmage. It will be our pre-season of sorts. We will utilize the October meet to work out all of the kinks with regard to how the meets going forward will be administered. See below for the details regarding how we will conduct our meets.
- October 14 – 15, 2020 (scrimmage)
- November 12 – 13, 2020 (1st official meet, *Note this is a Thursday\Friday due to Veteran’s day)
- December 9 – 10, 2020
- January 13 – 14, 2021
- February 10 – 11, 2021
Note, since it is highly unlikely that all schools will be available at the same time on a particular day, we are allowing the home administration of the meet to take place on either of the two days (Wednesday or Thursday in most cases).
Administration of the Meet in a Remote Setting
The materials for the meet will be distributed on the Monday of the week that the meet is scheduled to take place. It will be the responsibility of the coach of each team to administer the meet to your own students. The following bulleted list contains the parameters that need to be followed and the methods that are recommended.
- All competing students on a particular team must participate in the meet on the same day. We cannot allow some students from one team to participate on Wednesday and the other students to take the meet on Thursday.
- Your team can compete, in person, in your own building, while observing social distancing protocols. In this case, the team’s coach will need to make enough copies of the contest materials for all to participate. The meet would need to be administered completely on either the Wednesday or Thursday according to the schedule.
- Your team can compete remotely. In this case, the coach would need to work out ahead of time how this would take place. Recommended options include Zoom, WebEx, or Google meets. There are other remote options, but these seem to be the ones in the mainstream. Zoom seems to be the best one. Students and the proctoring coach would “gather” in a meeting and the coach would provide the password protected file to each competitor. The proctoring coach would then drop the password to the file in the chat area of the Zoom or Webex and start the timer for the round. The proctor would then announce a 2 minute warning and a 15 second warning as usual. Then pencils down. Students would then enter their answers into a Google form to be graded.
Division Structure
The division structure will be announced once the number of teams that are participating is established. It is anticipated that the division structure will be finalized in the days before the first meet.