Greater boston Mathematics League (gBML)

High School mathematics League Competition

in the Greater Boston Area

The January meet is the third OFFICIAL GBML Meet of 2020 - 2021

The meet is scheduled for January 13th or 14th, 2021.  Please note, all of your competing students will need to participate in the meet on either Wednesday the 13th or Thursday the 14th. We cannot facilitate a situation where some students from a certain team take the meet on Wednesday while others take it on Thursday. 

See the meet categories document for a list of the topics which will be covered at the meet.

Please see the league rules document. This document has recently been revised and streamlined to reflect the significant modifications needed for this school year.


Proctoring the January Meet:

 *** Note: League-wide administration of the January meet is NOT available, all teams must self-proctor the January meet. ***

Self Proctoring on either Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 or Thursday January 14th, 2021

You and your students participate on your own on either Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 or Thursday, January 14th, 2021. In this case, the coach will grade the papers and summarize the scoring. The coach will then upload the scores using the Google form below. Coaches are encouraged to develop a method for proctoring the meet using a web-conferencing service such as Zoom or WebEx.  We envision that this process would be similar to proctoring an exam in a hybrid learning model.  The password protected question files are provided below.  You can provide these files to the students in advance of the meet.  When all students are on your screen in “Brady Bunch” style, you can then provide the password to the students using the chat function of the web-conferencing service. Then you can keep track of the time (10 minutes per round). Announce a two minute warning and a 15 second warning.  Then provide a minute or two for the students to send you their answers.  Repeat for the 5 rounds and the team round.  If some students are at home and some students are present in your classroom, you can proctor them all at once. Note: All students on a particular team must compete at the same time.  The GBML cannot facilitate a split schedule where some students participate at one time while others participate at another time. Note, the question files are the same for both options.